Biyernes, Agosto 28, 2015

Adobo Extraordinaire

"When aliens come, we'll make great pets." I saw this on Friendster back in 2007, a couple of days after watching a documentary about pagpag. Moved by the plight of my pagpag-eating kababayans and seized by the odd hilarity of the quote, I came up with an idea to merge both into something ... fulfilling.

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When Aliens Come

"When aliens come, we'll make great pets," I chanced upon this on Frienster last night. Considering the heart breaking predicament of our pagpag-eating compatriots, I thought of a toothsome way of putting it. These aliens might be the key to solving food poverty in this country.

There are cultural, social, geographical, and political factors affecting a country's development. In a developing country such as ours, where governmental corruption is prevalent, the political factor is not only undermining development; furthermore, exacerbating poverty, thus, making things worse particularly for its poor citizens.

The thing is, an enormous amount of this country's money goes to the insatiable pockets and bank accounts of corrupt politicians, greedy business tycoons, and religious leaders, you read it right - religious leaders. These pseudo-evangelists rob us like the famed illusionist Copperfield with the Statue of Liberty, and what do we do about it? We put our hands together and scream at the top of our deluded lungs, AMEN!!!

The underdevelopment of the Philippines may be attributable to its inferior developmental factors, but the escalating hardships of our underprivileged countrymen is ascribable to the mournful fact that we are being run by the greedy, the corrupt, and the deceitful. And, while these stately thugs gratify their fastidious appetites with delectable loot-purchased buffets, the needy, the indigent, the impecunious, the impoverished, the destitute, the poor, scantily fill their emaciated guts with recycled food from the garbage. And this alternative source of sustenance brings me back to what I was saying earlier about these aliens being the key to solving chronic food poverty in this country - If they ever visit us, someday, somehow, when these aliens come, the pagpag nourished community of the Philippines will make great adobo out of them.

Linggo, Agosto 2, 2015

The Aeonian Within

The quest for the meaning of our existence had kindled notions about our purpose here on earth. Ranging from seemingly enlightening to utterly ridiculous, the gimcrack discourses of sanctimonious posers surpasses the most preposterous.

But there's this passage from the Bible that really made sense. Credible with its authority and astonishingly edifying in its concision.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.

Fear God, keep His commandments, this is the whole duty of man.

The question now is, what are the commandments of God? Should we eat crackers, give tithes, put beads between our thumbs and index fingers while murmuring senseless repetitions, prop up mannequins on our shoulders and parade it through crammed streets? Should we adhere to the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai? It is evidently very hard to tell with all those various religious teachings out there.

Spend your God-given time to scrutinize. Pray for God's guidance. Read the Bible. Search for The Truth, not Scriptural excerpts to support your own belief. Attend religious services, observe and ask questions, compare their teachings with the Gospel. Think through their teachings first before joining their fold. And, while you're at it, include The Members Church of God International to your list. Attend their services, Bible Expositions and Mass Indoctrinations. Watch Ang Dating Daan on UNTV37.

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To devote your life to something impermanent is nothing short of idiotic. All tangible things will end. They will wear out, grow old and fade away with your physique, worldly heartaches and happiness, but OUR SOULS WILL EXIST ETERNALLY.

What am I doing for my soul's security? A question that we need to ask ourselves.

We are perpetual beings contained in finite vessels. Vessels that will wither, die and eventually turn into dust. We only have two destinations, ETERNAL LIFE or ETERNAL DAMNATION. The choice is ours.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.